Community Art Therapy Programs

We believe everyone can benefit from participating in art therapy, this is why all of our Community Art Therapy Programs are open to everyone, no referral needed. All our art therapy group programs are restricted to individuals aged 18 and older, unless otherwise noted. We also provide income-based financial assistance for those who qualify, follow this link for more information or contact us at 216-791-9303. 

Our Community Art Therapy Programs are offered as small group art therapy programs modeled after our philosophy that art making is central to the healing process. Programs utilize creative art therapy techniques in group settings to focus on specific concerns and various approaches to art using painting, drawing, collage, sculpture and more. Our credentialed art therapists are especially equipped to work with emotional, cognitive, or physical limitations and are fully adaptable to the needs of our artists. 

Why group art therapy? Receiving art therapy in a group setting allows for increased socialization, accountability, and emotional regulation. 

Register for Community Art Therapy Programs

Click here to view our current Art Therapy Programming Schedule.

What to Know Before Registering for Art Therapy

  • First Time Participants

    Starting something new can be intimidating, especially with people you don’t know. This is why we require all first time participants to request a New Client Consultation with our Receptionist by clicking on this link or by calling our office at 216-791-9303 and letting the dispatcher know you would like to sign up for a New Client Consultation. During the 15 minute phone consultation we will go through a New Client questionnaire to asses your needs and will answer any questions you may have about receiving services, billing & cost of receiving services, financial assistance available, recommend art therapy groups to register for, and sign you up for group orientation the week before scheduled groups begin.

  • What You Need To Know Before Registering
    • The Registration Fee for all Community Art Therapy Programs is $500 and $250 for Therapeutic Art Programs, unless noted otherwise. Additional fees may apply. All Registration and other fees are subject to change.
    • No art skills needed.
    • No referral needed.
    • We do not accept health insurance at this time.
    • Financial assistance is available based on income
    • Not all programs take place at our location in the Fairhill Partners Building. Please confirm location and your ability to attend before signing up for a program.
    • Virtual programs are available.
    • Supplies are included.
    • Payment for programs are due at the time of invoicing. There will be no make-up sessions or refunds.
    • Registration confirmation will be emailed out a week before sessions start.
    • Space is limited and groups fill up quickly!
    • No sessions will be held on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve
    • In case of inclement weather, all Community Art Therapy sessions will be cancelled if Cleveland City Schools has a snow day. If we have inclement weather but Cleveland City Schools is not cancelled, individual sessions may still be cancelled. Client Artists will be notified of cancellation by their art therapist.
  • Financial Assistance

    Financial assistance is available and determined by a sliding scale based on household income and other factors. Income based Fee Reductions are made possible through the Christine M. Treu Scholarship Fund.

  • Payments Accepted

    All participants will be mailed or emailed an invoice for services and payment is due upon receipt. We accept payment for registration in cash, most major credit cards, and check.

    If you have made a payment via check or e-check (ACH) and the check is returned from the bank as dishonored (a.k.a. “bounced”), a $25 check fee will be applied. We will notify individuals when we have received a returned check and provide them with an opportunity to pay the fee and balance due within 5 business days, after which the registration will be cancelled if payment arrangements haven’t been made. In addition, individuals who have paid with a returned check will be requested to pay via cash or credit card for all future transactions.

  • Cancellations and Refunds

    Registration fees for our Community Art Therapy groups are to paid in their entirety, whether you attend all the sessions or not. We do not reimburse or adjust fees for missed sessions.

    Your payment for registration reserves your spot in the program(s) for which you have signed up to attend. Since we have limited spots available, we have updated our refund policy to encourage individuals who need to cancel to do so in enough time for someone else to fill the open spot. We offer a full money back refund for cancellations up to 7 days prior to the first date of the program(s) in which you are registered to attend. We offer a 50% refund for cancellations up to 3 days prior to the first date of the program(s) for which you are registered to attend. We do not give refunds for registration if you cancel 48 hours (about 2 days) or less before the first date for the program(s) for which you are registered to attend. There are no refunds for session days you do not attend. If Art Therapy Studio needs to cancel a session day, we will do our best to schedule a make-up date which will be offered at the end of the program.

    Every Community Art Therapy program has an enrollment minimum of 4 people for the program to run. If the program fails to achieve 4 enrollments a week before the program begins, participants will be notified and offered the option to transfer to another open program or receive a refund.

    Refunds will be issued in the method in which the initial payment was received. We do not hold refunds as “store credit” for future registrations. Once you have cancelled your registration your refund will be issued within 24-48 hours (about 2 days). 

  • Late Payment Policy

    There is a $25 fee for all late payments on Community Group Art Therapy registration. The late fee will be applied to your invoice if you fail to pay by the payment due date listed on your invoice. If payment arrangements are not made by the Friday before the Community Group Art Therapy Sessions are set to start, your registration will be dropped.

    If you are a new client-artist this fee will be waived for the first session(s) you register for since your New Client Consultation with our Studio Coordinator may occur after the registration and payment deadlines.

  • Late Registration Policy

    Our policy is that we do not allow client artists to register late for Community Group Art Therapy Programs. After the registration deadline the form to register will be closed and inaccessible. We encourage all client artists to register early to avoid missing the deadline.  If you are a new client-artist this policy will be waived for the first session(s) you register for since your New Client Consultation with our Studio Coordinator may occur after the registration deadlines.

  • No Sessions on Holidays

    Art Therapy Studio will not hold art therapy sessions on these major US Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (Observed), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve

    All other holidays Community Art Therapy Programs will run as usual.

  • Emergency Session Cancellations

    It may be deemed necessary for the safety of our staff and client-artists to cancel sessions due to bad weather, illness, or incidents outside of our control. In the event that a program has an emergency cancellation a member of the Art Therapy Studio team will call you to inform you of the cancellation.

  • Health & Safety Guidelines

    We strive to keep our team, the public, and our client-artists safe by adhering to the recommendations of the CDC in response to COVID-19. We cannot guarantee that you will not come in contact with the virus at our facility, but we will do our best to limit the chances. We understand people are getting fatigued by the pandemic, but please understand many of the client-artists we serve are immunocompromised and we want to be a safe environment for all so everyone can enjoy the healing and wellness benefits of art therapy at a time when people need it the most. Thank you for your cooperation and please follow this link to review our Health & Safety Guidelines.


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